1.1 Men's Coaching & Tantra Therapy


For the Men that desire to gain back their Sexual Confidence and Masculinity. Become the sexiest, strongest, magnetic, and highest value man ever.

Do you sometimes feel...

  • You don't feel in full control of your Sexuality, you wish to feel more of Life
  • You went through a major change in your life, and feel you lost sexual confidence and in your relationship with women
  • You feel you are operating from a wounded masculine blueprint. You might feel lost about what it means to be a Man
  • You feel like the passion in your relationship has faded, you miss the spontaneity, playfulness, and touchy connection you had before
  • You sometimes struggle to understand the women in your life, you desire more courage and drive and feel even more valued
  • You find it hard to be vulnerable or open up. You might feel a bit resistant to be rejected, be seen as "weak" or getting hurt
  • You don't always trust your confidence 100%, so you don't always fully see the value of what you bring to the world
  • You notice that when life gets difficult you fall into some coping mechanisms like porn, sugar, dating, overworking, cheating, etc
  • You feel that when sex gets on the table, things get complicated
  • You want to become the Man that stands out, a powerful presence that women feel naturally attracted and respected.
  • You tend to focus too much on pleasing her, that you end up feeling drained of not receiving what you truly want
  • You crave to feel a deeper and Spiritual connection with your Sexuality

Most men don't reach out for help until they hit rock bottom

Until a breakup hits

Until divorce comes

Until burnout kicks in

Until depression appears

Until a healthy scary thing happens

I feel you because I've been there ๐Ÿ˜˜

But there's a paradigm change for Men

Men who stand out, that are changemakers, that they outgrow masculine generational wounds

The MAN that SHE adores, is the one that has come out from his inner ocean

The MAN that SHE respects, is the one has done his inner work

The man who didn't wait but took action for himself

If you resonate with any of these, I've got you

This All Starts with Exploring your Sexuality

Your Sexual Energy is your Most Powerful Asset

It's unique.

It's irreplaceable.

It's yours

And it goes waaaay beyond just Physical Iintimacy ๐Ÿ˜‰

Most men have been taught to run away from their sexual power.

From their masculine essence.

The reality is that there is nothing more delicious, unique and attractive than a Man who is embodied in his masculine sexual power.

And there is a roadmap to do it...

This is what's possible for you

  • Feeling soo confident about what you bring into the table as a Lover, a Partner, and a Man
  • Imagine that you feel you are the best version of yourself and not Mr. Nice. You feel how women respect you and not take you for granted
  • Imagine having a profound feeling of being accepted and loved as you are
  • Feeling that you can speak anytime what's in your mind, what do you truly desire, your insecurities in the bedroom, in your body, with work, with your partner... without being judged
  • Feeling that you trust how to lead your woman into the bedroom in a way that any other men has ever done
  • Becoming the best Lover, Partner and Leader for your woman (or future partner)
  • Feeling that you're in full control of your sexuality - and how this also has a ripple effect in your life, finances and relationships
  • Feeling that you can get lost in hours and hours of lovemaking, lasting longer, having the best sex ever because you're no longer in your head
  • Having a healthier and more confident relationship with women in your life
  • Imagine feeling a profound new connection with your masculinity
  • Imagine walking into a room, where people can feel you and perceive you
  • Healing your masculine wounds so that can be the Man you truly are. The man she trusts, that she can lean on, without feeling controlled or castrated


Men's Intimacy Coaching & Tantra Therapy Online/Offline


For the Men who want to awaken the fullest of their Sexual Energy, and transform their intimacy, relationships, and life.

A Man who is grounded in his Sexual Energy, is the Man that operates from his Body (and his HEART โ™ฅ๏ธ)

The Embodied Man knows how to use his mind, but also how to get out of his head, to drop into a smarter and more effective voice.

  • He is the man women feel instantly Attracted to because they feel safe AF

  • He is the man who feels like a Rock, that his actions and his life are conducted by his truth - beyond ego or trauma

  • He is the man that when he walks his Presence feels Magnetic, and people feel naturally drawn to him, because they trust him

  • He is the man who knows his worth and trusts his instincts because he lives upon his values in his relationships, his job, his health, his goals, his family.

  • That he feels safe to be himself. Men look at him with respect. And women want to be around.

Working with me will allow you to:

  • To feel even more confident, secure and even more courageous in your connection with Women
  • Help you communicate your true desires, to say what you want without fear, no matter how quirky, strange, difficult it is.
  • Make you feel in control of your sexual energy, to feel you can overcome any sexual blockage, and feel in touch with your orgasmic body
  • Become the next version of yourself as a Man. Feel grounded, know how to get out of your head, feel your body, feel the emotions you have been stuffing down. Become the Man that feels like a rock to any woman.
  • Experience sex in a whole New different way through tantric intimacy. Have the best sex life ever, because you are connected to your body, to your desires... and she feels something different in you that makes you stand out in the bedroom
  • Learn how to explore your multiorgasmia. And know the roadmap to initiate your woman towards it as well
  • Use simple Techniques to build even more passion in your relationship. You will able to express conflict in a way that creates connection, and that comes from your body and not from your wounded child.
  • Feel you're embodying your fullest Masculine Energy. Release old patterns, feel what masculinity feels and looks for you
  • Help you feel even more energized, happy, and excited about life. Feeling that you're enjoying so MUCH more of life!
  • Feeling appreciated and that you are enough with who you are - either that's in the bedroom, with what you bring into the home, work, or to your family

What others say


"My biggest takeaway was to drop the goal, drop the outcome, to be able to drop the attachment to the outcome regarding sexual performance. And I'm very glad to work with her. She held space in a way I could shift, and make breakthroughs in many ways. It also helped me to commit more to my sexual intimate life with my wife, we're having a weekly date and committing not just when we want to, but as an exercise that has improved our relationship already"

Dodi (Italy)


"Iโ€™ve been very very cautious because I feel that itโ€™s very hard to find quality and I just wanted to show you some love for what I felt with you. It was very grounded. Like you were speaking to me in this normal accessible language. I feel sometimes this is missing in Tantra which is a shame because the more accessible it is the more deep we can go. I just wanted to say thank you for the awesome experience"

N.G. (Netherlands)

How the 1-1 Men's Program works

These 3 or 6 months will become extremely transformative.

Most of my clients notice people feeling shifts in their energy early on.

We'll have x3 Private Online Sessions per month


Weekly Pleasure practices to implement straight away


Direct contact and support from Lya


Live In-Person Tantra therapy sessions



My name is Lya, and I started my journey with Sexuality, feeling very skeptical that there was something for me to change

I used to believe that sexuality and relationships were something that we all learn organically and not something I should explore and develop myself.

For years, I was the classic high achieverโ€” chasing the next goal, always in my head, overworking - and disconnected from my body (and also from receiving Love and care from men).

A critical moment in my life turned things upside down.

My Sexual energy was my wake-up call.

I felt misunderstood in my libido (either too high or feeling almost asexual), I avoided uncomfortable emotional conversations at all costs, felt stuck in rejection during intimacy not knowing how to bring the playfulness back, and got bored easily. Sex felt good but didn't feel enough.. I kept asking myself if this was just it?

I felt confident to connect with Men, but I didn't always feel seen the way I wanted.

When it came to intimacy, I just knew how to eat the main dish (Foreplay, pum, pum, cum, and sleep), but I had no idea how to feel something deeper. How to surrender and open up for a different type of Pleasure and connection.

Inside myself craved for a different to feel Intimacy

I knew something needed to change. I had no idea where to start

My life feels very different right now

I came into the path of Tantra when I was 19 years old. However, it took me much longer to really integrate the wisdom of this path into my daily life - and particularly in my Sexuality. My endeavours with Tantra Therapy changed completely this

As someone who used to be extremely rational, I needed to understand many of these ancestral concepts in a more grounded way. So aside from my spiritual journey in Tantra and Buddhism, I spent years learning more about the science behind Eroticism, Emotional Intelligence, Somatic Psychology, Neuroscience, Sexual Deconditioning, and Trauma-informed therapy.

Tantra Therapy felt grounded, got me out of my head into my body. It shifted gradually my Sexuality - and my relationship with Men in my life

I cultivated a profound connection with my sexuality, an awakening in my orgasmic energy, a respect towards my body, and a blissful relationship with Men.

Nowadays I can say:

๐Ÿ–ค I feel naturally at ease in my feminine energy, as a woman. My relationship with men in my life feels blissful, healthy, loving, and respectful.

๐Ÿ–ค I feel safe and expansive in my body and my skin. I feel fully confident in my feminine sexual energy.

๐Ÿ–ค My body feels awakened, and I can easily access multiorgasmic states with my man

๐Ÿ–ค My sexuality is one of the areas in my life where I feel most peace, joy, and lightness

๐Ÿ–ค Lovemaking feels relaxing, playful, refueling. It is like an endless game that I don't want it ever to end.

๐Ÿ–ค I have been blessed to have guided hundreds of men and women into connecting with the innocence, beauty and playfulness of their orgasmic energy

I believe strongly that our Sexuality is one of the most hidden and challenging areas in our lives - yet where we hold the most vital energy and personal power.

I am here to guide you on how to reconnect back to it, gain more confidence, and feel ALIVE with your sexual energy.

Fill in the Form to Receive all the details about the Program


What others say


"What stood out for me is how sexuality isnโ€™t just an actโ€”itโ€™s a flow of energy, a way of being. Even amidst stress or challenges, Iโ€™m recognizing myself as a whole sexual being, and itโ€™s empowering."โ€‹

JK (United Kingdom)


โ€œMy biggest breakthrough is to notice how women and my friends around me see a drastic change in my energy. I also hear it more often lately from women. These sessions made me feel very safe, seen, and say things I've never shared to anyone before"

MK (Netherlands)

Most men don't reach out until they hit rock bottom

Until a breakup hits

Until divorce comes

Until burnout kicks in

Until depression appears

Until a healthy scary thing happens

I feel you because I've been there ๐Ÿ˜˜

But in fact the generation of Men that's stand out, that are changemakers, that lead Masculinity in a new and sustainable way...

The MAN that SHE adores, are the ones that has done the work

The man that has come out from his own inner ocean

The man who didn't wait but took action for himself

Fill in the Form to Receive all details

about the Program


How does it work?

Fill in the form

If you feel interested, fill in the application form.

I will connect with you in less than 48 hours to let you know the next steps.

Book a first Connection coffee call (at no cost)

If you are a good match for Tantra Therapy, we'll have a little Synergy Connection call. This call has no cost for you.

During this call, we will get to know each other a bit more. We will break down your desires and intentions and solve any questions you have around the program.

Our journey together starts

Each online session covers different practices, and interventions, that are tailored to your needs. Some men prefer to focus more on working on their sexual confidence, becoming an even excellent lovers, get over sexual insatisfactions, or feel less stressed - other men just want to introduce tantra into their day-to-day

Many men experience during our sessions a profound feeling of acceptance, they feel a profound change in how women perceive them, and their confidence (in relationships and during sex), shifts quickly and positively.

Do you have questions?


If you have any questions please fill in this form, and I'll reply to you shortly


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